Musculoskeletal Screenings
What is a musculoskeletal screening?
Musculoskeletal screenings allow physiotherapists to assess posture, range of motions of joints, soft tissue flexibility, and functional movement patterns to identify areas of dysfunction or asymmetry which may leave you susceptible to injury. As well as identifying possible areas of injury concerns and tightness, these assessments can assist in correcting any dysfunctions and in maximising performance.
At ProSports Injury Clinic we have developed a many sport specific screening processes which are also targeted to either adolescent or adult health. Having a screening done at a young age gives us a good baseline level where we can monitor your children’s risk factors for injury as they progress intensity and volume of play whilst experiencing rapid growth. Whereas as an adult we can identify key areas where changes may be needed in your preparation for and carrying out your chosen sport. We understand that every single body is different and will prescribe specific exercises, stretches, advice on self-management and a rehab or prehab program to assist you in achieving your dreams.